Podcasts have been a big resource for removing fear from my mind. I listen to them every time I do any work that does not require thinking. They inspire me to do better, they improve my thinking, marketing, and technical skills, etc. Below are a short list of the current podcasts, of which I never miss an episode.

1. Entreprogrammers

I have listened to the podcast since episode 1. The four hosts, Josh, John, Derick, and Charles represent different stages of freelancing. There is the one with a full time job, that freelances on the side; the struggling freelancer with a few products; the successful freelancer with an independent income, etc. The format is quite original, as they hold a session of their mastermind in public.

2. Bootstrapped Web

Brian and Jordan bring a mixture of experiences, including freelancing, to products, to startups. They share plenty of daily struggles and marketing techniques on how to make the jump from working full time to having your company via freelancing.

3. The freelancers show

One of the first podcasts in the area, still gives me food for thought with every episode. It is one of Charles’ podcasts (with Eric and Reuven among others), and as with others, is present every week.

4. The Side Hustle Show

Another fantastic podcast, full of resources for starting your freelance career without risks, on the side, whilst you’re still working full time. Nick Loper, shares his experiences as well as his guests with similar stories.

5. Web Design Agency

Matthew Newton travels all over the world, living the location independent life. I love his style of interviewing as he tries to learn as much as possible from his guests. Full of practical lessons.

6. Working without pants

Another location-independent podcaster, Jake Jorgovan, shares his freelancing story, since inception. He focuses on how to start, how to find clients, up to the stage of productizing and scaling your services. Fantastic stories from his guests too.

7. The Business of Freelancing

The famous Brendan Dunn always teaches the best in freelancing. Valuable and actionable advice from great interviews.